Chronic Disease Service Toolkit

Chronic Disease Service Framework
The Chronic Disease Service Framework is a cross-therapeutic approach to chronic disease care within the pharmacy. The service framework is an opportunity for pharmacy to play a meaningful role in the management of chronic diseases by enhancing the quality of patient interactions, optimising collaboration with primary care, and, ultimately, improving the health of their community.
The framework consists of two key components:
1. The Chronic Disease Service Initiation Toolkit, designed to motivate and support community pharmacy teams to establish or enhance a community based chronic disease screening and management program. The four core elements aim to upskill pharmacy teams in the value of a standardised approach to chronic disease and to operationalise this program in the pharmacy, collaborate with prescribers and promote such a service to their patients.


a. Chronic Disease Service Framework E-Learning Module:
Introduces the Initiation Toolkit and Disease-Specific Pharmacy Toolkit elements and describes how to integrate those elements into everyday pharmacy practice​.



b. Chronic Disease Service Implementation Checklist:
An operational checklist providing a summary of considerations when deciding to start or expand a chronic disease service and/or explains how to effectively integrate the service into day-to-day workflow.


c. Chronic Disease Service Promotion Poster:
Print-on-demand poster that informs patients to initiate a conversation with the pharmacist or pharmacy team member about their chronic disease risk and/or current chronic disease​.



d. Chronic Disease Service Prescriber Service Promotion Letter:
Print-on-demand letter addressed and sent to a local prescriber(s) outlining pharmacy-based chronic disease services and how partnership can enhance community health.



2. The various Chronic Disease–Specific Pharmacy Toolkits are designed to support, streamline, and enhance pharmacy-led early identification of chronic disease and timely intervention and management.

  1. Chronic Kidney Disease Pharmacy Toolkit
  2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Pharmacy Toolkit
  3. Heart Failure Pharmacy Toolkit
Chronic Disease Service Infographic:

The infographic is a one-page digital visual aid that serves as a quick reference guide on where, when and why to use the Chronic Disease Pharmacy Toolkit in pharmacy practice (with quick links to the toolkit’s practice resources). 

Click here to download.

These materials are created to support pharmacists in their interactions with patients and do not take into account a particular jurisdiction. The role and the responsibilities which a pharmacist can legitimately perform vary from one country to another. If you consider using these materials in full or in part, please ensure you understand and adhere to the legal and regulatory requirements in your country, including but not limited to the National Drug Act, data privacy legislation, professional code of conduct and any other.
If you are interested in receiving a localised version for your country, which is compliant with the local rules and regulations, please contact us.
These materials were commissioned and funded by AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca have provided an education grant to FIP to raise awareness and dissemination of this toolkit in line with FIPs mission to advance pharmacy worldwide.
This material is intended for pharmacists with an interest in chronic disease management.