FIP Practice Transformation Programme on NCDs

Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases or mental illnesses are the leading causes of disease burden and mortality around the world, across all country income levels. According to the World Health Organization, these five NCDs cause nearly three quarters of deaths in the world, and every two seconds, a person under the age of 70 dies of an NCD, and 86% of those deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The FIP practice transformation programme (PTP) on NCDs is a flagship project that aims to deliver FIP’s commitment to the WHO’s Astana Declaration and to the primary healthcare agenda, with a focus on non-communicable diseases.


The FIP PTP on NCDs aims to provide tools and strategic support to FIP member organisations to develop and implement pharmacy services that can have a sustained positive impact in the prevention, screening, management, and treatment optimisation of NCDs for improved patient outcomes and health systems efficiency and sustainability.


While the project will have a particular focus on low-and-middle-income countries, it will encourage implementation by countries of all income levels, since the goals of optimising NCDs management and reducing the burden of these diseases are a global imperative.


The vision of the programme is to promote the global transformation of pharmacy practice and the quality improvement of services delivered to improve health outcomes and the quality of life of individuals living with NCDs.


The mission of the programme is to:

  • Assist FIP member organisations in assessing their country’s needs for pharmacy services that address the burden of NCDs.
  • Provide guidance for the training and education of pharmacists, transforming the way they provide NCDs-related pharmacy services.
  • Support FIP member organisations and individual pharmacists in the implementation of pharmacy services and programmes that can reduce the burden of NCDs.


Publications are presented in chronological order, from more recent to older. Please scroll down inside the grey area or using the scroll bar on its side to find more FIP publications.

FIP practice transformation programme on non-communicable diseases: Programme booklet (2023)

The FIP practice transformation programme (PTP) on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) aims to provide strategic support and tools
to FIP member organisations to develop and implement pharmacy services that can have a sustained positive impact in the prevention,
screening, management, and treatment optimisation of NCDs for improved patient outcomes and health systems efficiency and sustainability.

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FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-communicable Diseases: Programme overview (2023)

The FIP practice transformation programme (PTP) on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) aims to provide strategic support and tools
to FIP member organisations to develop and implement pharmacy services that can have a sustained positive impact in the prevention,
screening, management, and treatment optimisation of NCDs for improved patient outcomes and health systems efficiency and sustainability.

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Programme de transformation des pratiques de la FIP sur les maladies non transmissibles: Aperçu du programme (2023)

Le programme de transformation des pratiques (PTP) de la FIP sur les maladies non transmissibles (MNT) a pour objectif de fournir un soutien stratégique et des outils
aux organisations membres de la FIP un soutien stratégique et des outils pour développer et mettre en œuvre des services pharmaceutiques susceptibles d’avoir un impact positif durable sur la prévention, le dépistage, la gestion et l’optimisation du traitement des MNT afin d’améliorer les résultats pour les patients ainsi que l’efficacité et la durabilité des systèmes de santé.

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Programa de transformación de prácticas de la FIP sobre enfermedades no transmisibles: Visión general del programa. (2023)

El programa de transformación de prácticas (PTP) de la FIP sobre enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) tiene como objetivo proporcionar apoyo estratégico y herramientas
a las organizaciones miembros de la FIP para desarrollar e implementar servicios farmacéuticos que puedan tener un impacto positivo sostenido en la prevención,
cribado, gestión y optimización del tratamiento de las ENT para mejorar los resultados de los pacientes y la eficiencia y sostenibilidad de los sistemas sanitarios.

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FIP关于非传染性疾病的实践转型方案 : 计划小册子 (2023)

FIP 非传染性疾病(NCDs)实践转型计划(PTP)旨在为 FIP 成员组织提供战略支持和工具
向 FIP 成员组织提供战略支持和工具,以开发和实施能够对预防、筛查、管理和治疗非传染性疾病产生持续积极影响的药学服务、

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برنامج FIP لتحويل الممارسة للأمراض غير المعدية: كتيب البرنامج (2023)

يهدف برنامج تحويل ممارسات FIP (PTP) بشأن الأمراض غير المعدية (NCDs) إلى توفير الدعم الاستراتيجي والأدوات

للمنظمات الأعضاء في FIP لتطوير وتنفيذ خدمات الصيدلة التي يمكن أن يكون لها تأثير إيجابي

مستدام في الوقاية ،

فحص الأمراض غير المعدية وإدارتها ومعالجتها لتحسين نتائج المرضى وكفاءة النظم الصحية


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Management of non-communicable diseases: Regulatory self-assessment and development tool for transforming pharmacy practice

Regulators, ministries of health, policymakers and national pharmacy organisations are encouraged to assess regulations in their country related to pharmacy-based care of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with a development tool developed by FIP’s Forum of Pharmacy Professional Regulators. This tool is based on experiences from countries where pharmacy services targeting NCDs (including testing, measurement of parameters, such as blood pressure and peak expiratory volume, and prescribing or modifying prescriptions) have been successfully introduced and regulated, and on researched pharmacy practice legislation from around the world.

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Cardiovascular diseases: A handbook for pharmacists (2022)

This handbook identifies and describes pharmacist-led interventions in cardiovascular disease prevention, screening, management, and treatment optimisation to both support their implementation in pharmacy practice and to support advocacy efforts towards the optimisation and expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice in cardiovascular diseases and NCDs in general.

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FIP knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in cardiovascular diseases (2022)

This knowledge and skills reference guide provides a comprehensive list of required knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical and related care to support pharmacists to develop, upskill and refresh knowledge in cardiovascular diseases and related roles in pharmacy. The guide supplements the FIP handbook on cardiovascular diseases for pharmacists and was developed in consultation with a global reference group.

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Cancer: A handbook for pharmacists (2022)

This handbook identifies and describes pharmacist-led interventions in cancer prevention, screening, management, and treatment optimisation to both support their implementation in pharmacy practice and to support advocacy efforts towards the optimisation and expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice in cancer and NCDs in general.

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FIP knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in cancer care (2022)

This knowledge and skills reference guide provides a comprehensive list of required knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical and related care to support pharmacists to develop, upskill and refresh knowledge in cancer care and related roles in pharmacy. The guide supplements the FIP handbook on cancer for pharmacists and was developed in consultation with a global reference group.

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Chronic respiratory diseases: A handbook for pharmacists (2022)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals prioritise universal health coverage (UHC) and commit to reducing the impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as well as communicable diseases. This handbook is an important enabling tool to achieve those goals because it makes the case for the inclusion of care for chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) as part of UHC and demonstrates the important role pharmacists have in achieving this.

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Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in chronic respiratory diseases: A companion to the FIP chronic respiratory diseases handbook for pharmacists. (2022)

This knowledge and skills reference guide provides a comprehensive list of required knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical and related care to support pharmacists to develop, upskill and refresh knowledge in CRDs and related roles in pharmacy. The guide supplements the FIP handbook on CRDs for pharmacists and was developed in consultation with a global reference group.

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Mental health care: A handbook for pharmacists (2022)

This handbook, developed in collaboration with an international group of experts, aims to support pharmacy practice, presenting the many potential mental health care actions that pharmacists can perform, from preventing mental illness and screening for signs to optimising medication and responding to mental health crises.
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Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in mental health care (2022)

This guide, which is a companion to the FIP mental health care handbook for pharmacists intends to provide an overview of the knowledge and skills needed for pharmacists to deliver mental health services and care

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Diabetes prevention, screening and management: A handbook for pharmacists (2021)

This handbook supports the Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes. It presents an overview of diabetes and describes the various services pharmacists can provide aiming at disease prevention, screening, disease state management and treatment optimisation.

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Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in diabetes (2022)

New diabetes reference guide focuses on helping pharmacists achieve required competencies:
 “Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in diabetes”.
FIP has been championing the role of pharmacists in preventing and treating chronic diseases, including diabetes, since 2006, and this latest guide, which is intended as a companion to the FIP diabetes handbook for pharmacists published in 2021, will help pharmacists to identify and acquire the competencies, such as screening and clinical management, they need to provide services for patients with diabetes.
As well as supporting pharmacists to upskill themselves as their careers develop, the new FIP publication is intended to guide the design and delivery of education and training programmes by continuing professional development providers. The guide acknowledges that there are some barriers to and regulations around providing diabetes-related services in some countries but emphasises that “the incorporation of pharmacists into multidisciplinary diabetes care teams should always be strongly considered by clinicians and health policymakers”.
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As part of the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes, FIP is launching a series of five digital events on diabetes to explore the role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of diabetes and its complications; advancement in therapeutic options; competencies and workforce development opportunities; and policy barriers and facilitators in providing diabetes services will be explored. The programme expands into other areas, new events will be added to this page.

Below you may find the description and links to the recordings of these events. You may also want to check the upcoming digital events at

FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-Communicable Diseases: Presentation and support from FIP to member organisations

February 28, 2023

The FIP Practice Transformation Programme on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) aims to provide tools and strategic support to FIP member organisations to develop and implement pharmacy services that can have a sustained positive impact in the prevention, screening, management, and treatment optimisation of NCDs for improved patient outcomes and health systems efficiency and sustainability. An overview of the programme can be found in a short video available in English, Spanish and French.


While the project will have a particular focus on low-and-middle-income countries, it will encourage implementation by countries of all income levels, since the goals of optimising NCDs management and reducing the burden of these diseases is a global imperative.


With this event for FIP member organisations only, FIP leadership (including the FIP President, CEO and other officers) and HQ team members will describe how the programme will work, what resources are available and how FIP may support its member organisations in implementing the programme at country level.

Member organisations will learn about:

  1. The programme aims, mission and vision;
  2. The programme description, including the five disease areas, pharmacist interventions in these different areas, and the domains of transformation where FIP may offer support to member organisations;
  3. The programme approach and process;
  4. The programme principles and scope;
  5. The programme deliverables so far.
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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of cardiovascular diseases

October 26, 2022

The World Health Organization estimate that 17.9 million people die from cardiovascular diseases each year, representing 32% of all global deaths. Pharmacists have a role to play in the prevention, care and management of cardiovascular diseases and their complications. FIP has developed a new handbook to support pharmacists and their organisations in providing a range of cardiovascular diseases-related services. This handbook — which will be launched at this event — also identifies the knowledge and skills that pharmacists require for the provision of such services, thus offering guidance to academic institutions and CPD providers. This handbook is part of the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-Communicable Diseases

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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of cancer

October 4, 2022

Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, according to the World Health Organization. Prevention and early screening are crucial elements of interprofessional strategies to reduce the burden, morbidity and mortality associated with cancer, as are medication management for optimal outcomes, and patient support. Pharmacists have a key role to play in all these areas. At this digital event, FIP will be publishing a new handbook to support pharmacists and their organisations in providing a range of cancer-related services. In addition, the handbook will be accompanied by the knowledge and skills (K&S) reference guide in cancer which identifies the K&S that pharmacists require for the provision of such services, thus offering guidance to pharmacists, academic institutions and CPD providers. Both publications will be launched at this event, and they are part of the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-Communicable Diseases.

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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of chronic respiratory diseases

September 28, 2022

Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are common chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) that affect millions of people worldwide. Pharmacists have a role to play in the prevention, care and management of CRD. FIP will be publishing a new handbook to support pharmacists and their organisations in providing a range of CRD-related services. This will be accompanied by a reference guide which identifies the knowledge and skills that pharmacists require for the provision of such services. Both publications will be launched at this event, and they are part of the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-Communicable Diseases.

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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of mental health illnesses

July 7, 2022

The importance of good mental health and wellbeing has gained attention over the last decade due to an increased burden of disability and loss of quality of life associated with mental health conditions. Pharmacists have a significant role in the support and management of persons with mental health illnesses and in reducing the commonly associated stigma. FIP has developed a new handbook to support pharmacists and their organisations in providing a range of mental health-related services. In addition, the handbook will be accompanied by the knowledge and skills (K&S) reference guide in mental health which identifies the K&S that pharmacists require for the provision of such services, thus offering guidance to pharmacists, academic institutions and CPD providers. Both publications will be launched at this event and they are part of the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-Communicable Diseases.

Attendees will learn about:

  1. The role of pharmacists in the prevention, identification, care and management of mental health illnesses;
  2. Challenges and opportunities for pharmacists in addressing mental health illnesses;
  3. The knowledge and skills pharmacists need to acquire to support their role in mental health.

– Inês Nunes da Cunha, FIP Practice Development and Transformation Projects Manager, Portugal

– Claire O’Reilly, Senior Lecturer School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
– Sarira El-Den, Senior Lecturer The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy, Australia
– Jiahui (Jeff) Dong, PharmD Candidate The University of North Carolina, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, United States
– Dalia Bajis, FIP Lead for provision and partnerships, Australia

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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of diabetes

November 12, 2021

This webinar aims to identify the challenges and opportunities for pharmacists in addressing diabetes, highlight the different ways pharmacists can advocate for increased recognition and visibility of roles in providing diabetes-related services, and understand the role that pharmacists can play in achieving global diabetes goals, in commemoration of the 2021 World Diabetes Day. The event will culminate with the launch of the ONE FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes.

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Competencies and workforce development strategies for diabetes-related roles

November 5, 2021

This webinar aims to highlight strategies for developing a diabetes-competent workforce, explore success stories of countries that have developed competency frameworks for diabetes-related roles and identify relevant competencies essential for the delivery of diabetes services by pharmacists.

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Diabetes therapeutics, treatment optimisation and support technology

October 29, 2021

This webinar aims to describe the advancement in diabetes therapeutics for managing diabetes, highlight the role of technology in improving health outcome of individuals living with diabetes and identify the different services employed in the optimization of diabetes treatment.

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Pharmacists’ role in the disease state management of diabetes and prevention of complications

October 22, 2021

This webinar aims to describe the different services provided by pharmacists to manage diabetes, explore the role of pharmacists in preventing the complications of diabetes, and highlight the importance of collaboration with other health professionals in achieving treatment goals

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The role of pharmacists in the prevention of diabetes

October 8, 2021

This webinar aims to highlight the different services provided by pharmacists in the prevention, screening and detection of diabetes. It will also demonstrate how pharmacists are providing such services in a time of pandemic.

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FIP NCDs Experts Advisory Group

FIP set up a group of experts from across pharmaceutical practice, science and education and workforce development, representatives of the Regional Pharmaceutical Forums and individuals with specific expertise in NCDs (initially, diabetes, but other experts will be invited) and in the development and review of this programme and its deliverables, to ensure their quality, plurality and robustness.

This Advisory Group will also include representatives from external organisations focusing on specific disease areas, such as the International Diabetes Federation, or the International Primary Care Respiratory Group. Information about these organisations can be found under the respective disease area tabs of this website.

The roles and responsibilities of this group include:

  1. Providing expert advice on clinical contents, structure, and relevance to pharmacy practice of the programme handbooks on specific diseases.
  2. Providing expert advice and reviewing the programme implementation guidelines, indicators and evaluation strategies for the implementation of the programmes at country level.
  3. Providing expert advice on the development of training modules.

International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

FIP and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) collaborated in developing the resources on the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes, and on several online events.

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 240 national diabetes associations in 168 countries and territories. It represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. The Federation has been leading the global diabetes community since 1950. IDF’s mission is to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide. IDF is engaged in action to tackle diabetes from the local to the global level ― from programmes at community level to worldwide awareness and advocacy initiatives.

The Federation’s activities aim to influence policy, increase public awareness and encourage health improvement, promote the exchange of high-quality information about diabetes, and provide education for people with diabetes and their healthcare providers. IDF is associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations and is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO).

International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG)

The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) is a clinically-led charitable organisation. Their scope is research and education to improve prevention, diagnosis and care of respiratory diseases in global community and primary care settings. FIP collaborated with IPCRG in promoting optimal care of asthma and COPD by pharmacists.

In 2021, FIP and IPCRG jointly delivered two webinars focused on asthma right care delivery in community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy settings. In 2022 the collaboration continued in the resources of the Practice Transformation Programme focusing on respiratory conditions.


European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP)

The European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) is an international scientific society founded in 1979 by clinical practitioners, researchers and educators from various countries in Europe, which constantly supports the development of the clinical pharmacy, looking for new areas of professional practice. FIP and ESCP collaborated in different publications and resources for the Practice Transformation Programme.

International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP)

The International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) connects Oncology Pharmacy experts from around the world to leading edge oncology knowledge, best practices and essential networks. FIP and ISOPP collaborated closely on the cancer area for the Practice Transformation Programme in the respective events and publications.

World Heart Federation (WHF)

A leader and convener in global cardiovascular health, the World Heart Federation champions heart health and acts to reduce the global burden of heart disease and stroke, which together claim 18.6 million lives every year. FIP collaborated with WHF in the cardiovascular area of the Practice Transformation Programme, in its associated publications and events.

FDI World Dental Federation

FDI represents more than one million dentists worldwide. We work with our members to raise awareness about the importance of good oral health and its vital role in securing overall health and well-being. We are dedicated to safeguarding the health of people worldwide through the improved prevention, treatment, and control of oral diseases.
