Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Pharmacy Toolkit

The COPD pharmacy toolkit has been developed to support you in efficient identification of at-risk patients and delivering motivational counselling to empower those who would benefit from COPD screening and treatment optimisation, including improved adherence. The goal is to increase the number of currently undiagnosed at-risk patients referred for COPD screening and ensure more patients are diagnosed, and therefore managed earlier, and also that people living with COPD have the best possible outcomes from their treatment to prevent exacerbations.
The COPD toolkit was designed to motivate and support community pharmacy teams to establish or enhance a community-based COPD assessment and management program.
The four core elements aim to upskill pharmacy teams in the value of a standardised approach to COPD and to integrate this program into the pharmacy workflow and collaborate with prescribers to improve care for their patients with COPD.

Toolkit elements

1. COPD Pharmacy Toolkit E-Learning Module:

A learning module that ​provides foundational knowledge about COPD using a case-based approach​.  The module draws on guideline directed medical therapy principle where appropriate.

Click here to download.

2. COPD Pharmacy Toolkit Assessment Tool: 

Conversation-based tool to be used by pharmacists and pharmacy team members (where appropriate) to support counselling patients on the risk of COPD, how to be screened, and/or how to manage the disease.

Click here to download.

3. COPD Pharmacy Toolkit Patient Information Leaflet: 

A COPD Handout to be shared by a pharmacist or pharmacy team member with the patient that can be used to summarise the pharmacist-patient interaction and provide supplemental information​.

Click here to download.

4. COPD Pharmacy Toolkit Primary Care Referral Letter: 

Personalised letter to be sent by pharmacists or pharmacy team members (where appropriate) to the patient’s primary care physician that explains why the pharmacy is reaching out and how to partner to support the patient​ with COPD.

Click here to download.




COPD Infographic

The infographic is a one-page digital visual aid that serves as a quick reference guide on where, when and why to use the COPD Pharmacy Toolkit in pharmacy practice (with quick links to the toolkit’s practice resources). 

Click here to download.




These materials are created to support pharmacists in their interactions with patients and do not take into account a particular jurisdiction. The role and the responsibilities which a pharmacist can legitimately perform vary from one country to another. If you consider using these materials in full or in part, please ensure you understand and adhere to the legal and regulatory requirements in your country, including but not limited to the National Drug Act, data privacy legislation, professional code of conduct and any other.
If you are interested in receiving a localised version for your country, which is compliant with the local rules and regulations, please contact us.
These materials were commissioned and funded by AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca have provided an education grant to FIP to raise awareness and dissemination of this toolkit in line with FIPs mission to advance pharmacy worldwide.
This material is intended for pharmacists with an interest in respiratory disease.