
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, accounting for 9.6 million deaths, according to the WHO. Cancer treatments can have a heavy impact on patients’ lives, exerting physical, emotional and financial strains on individuals but also on health systems. Early detection and access to treatment are important to minimise the complications associated with cancer, as later treatment can normally be more complex and require more effort to tackle the disease.

Pharmacists can play an important role in community education about modifiable risk factors such as diet, smoking habits or physical activity, in supporting the adoption of healthy lifestyles, in supporting patients to undergo frequent screening or even collaborate in screening campaigns for certain types of cancer, in managing oncological medication for optimal outcome, in supporting self-care and the management of symptoms that some treatments might cause and in providing emotional support.


Publications are presented in chronological order, from more recent to older. Please scroll down inside the grey area or using the scroll bar on its side to find more FIP publications.

Cancer: A handbook for pharmacists (2022)

This handbook identifies and describes pharmacist-led interventions in cancer prevention, screening, management, and treatment optimisation to both support their implementation in pharmacy practice and to support advocacy efforts towards the optimisation and expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice in cancer and NCDs in general.

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FIP knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in cancer care (2022)

This knowledge and skills reference guide provides a comprehensive list of required knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical and related care to support pharmacists to develop, upskill and refresh knowledge in cancer care and related roles in pharmacy. The guide supplements the FIP handbook on cancer for pharmacists and was developed in consultation with a global reference group.

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肿瘤患者全程管理。药师手册. (2022)

肿瘤是一类患者体内异常快速增殖的细胞从其原发部位转移或侵袭到其他部位的疾病。最常见的肿瘤是乳腺癌、肺癌和结直肠癌。2 肿瘤仍然是全世界的主要死亡原因之一。2020 年约有 1000 万肿瘤患者去世,平均每六个死亡人口中就有一个死于肿瘤。2此外,据统计,仅 2010 年在全世界范围内因肿瘤所造成的经济损失(包括预防和治疗的成本以及因肿瘤而损失的经济效益)估计超过 1万亿美元。近年来由于新型治疗方案的快速发展,预计肿瘤患者医疗成本将继续增长。1
肿瘤防治在全球范围内带来了沉重的经济负担。据估计,通过降低风险因素的影响和实施有效的预防策略,高达 50%的肿瘤是可以避免的。2 早期发现和优化治疗方案、去除肿瘤发展的风险因素,如吸烟、饮酒、不健康的饮食、缺乏体育锻炼和空气污染等,不仅可以直接减少肿瘤的发生,还可以减少其他非传染性疾病(non-communicable diseases, NCDs)对医疗系统的不利影响。2

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肿瘤患者全程管理中药师的专业知识和技能参考指南:配套 手册。(2022)

世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO))的数据显示,肿瘤是全球排名第二的死因。在2018 年,全球有 960 万人因肿瘤而死亡,约占六分之一的死亡人口。1 全球的肿瘤负担只增不减,面对如此沉重的负担,全世界的医疗保健系统亟需做出更有力的应对。与高收入国家相比,大约 60%的肿瘤人口分布于中低收入国家,并且其发病率和死亡率不断攀升。2 尽管肿瘤治疗取得了长足的进步并延长了患者的预期寿命,但肿瘤全程管理仍需要在医疗保障系统内实现更多有机的协调。2 WHO 通过了一项”肿瘤预防和控制的综合策略”的决议,鼓励各国制定诊疗目标、收集医疗数据和改善患者预后,其中实施建议包括动员和授权药师参与临床工作等。1
FIP 是代表全球药师、药学工作者和药学教育工作者的国际组织。作为支持联合会《阿斯塔纳宣言》(Astana Declaration)的一部,FIP 鼓励世界各地的药师在肿瘤全程管理领域等非传染性疾病(noncommunicable diseases,NCDs)领域进行干预,内容包括:开展肿瘤的预防和早期筛查活动,以药师为主导、以患者为中心的 NCD 全程管理等。FIP 的工作成果包括:2022 年出版的《国际药学联合会:药师肿瘤全程管理手册》,该手册建议将药师纳入肿瘤全程管理工作团队,并总结了药师在肿瘤治疗的重要作用。
肿瘤全程管理实践的主要困难在于药师本身的业务能力和当地政策法规的支持,药师需要更多政策的支持和多种业务能力的提升途径来参与肿瘤全程管理。如果药师缺乏有效的培训则无法主动地参与相应的工作,这可能影响到患者对药师工作的信任;如果药学课程中没有充分涵盖与肿瘤相关的内容,那么药学生在毕业时就会缺乏必要的临床技能,最终导致医疗系统中缺乏训练有素的药师来为那些病情复杂且需要进行治疗方案管理的患者提供药学服务。然而这些问题是可以通过持续继续教育(continuing professional development,CPD)来改善并解决的。4

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Guía de referencia de conocimientos y competencias de la FIP para el desarrollo profesional en la atención oncológica: Complemento del manual de atención oncológica para farmacéuticos de la FIP (2022)

Esta guía de referencia de conocimientos y habilidades proporciona una lista exhaustiva de los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios en la atención farmacéutica y afines para ayudar a los farmacéuticos a desarrollar, mejorar y actualizar sus conocimientos en la atención oncológica y funciones afines en farmacia. La guía complementa el manual de la FIP sobre el cáncer para farmacéuticos y se ha elaborado en consulta con un grupo de referencia mundial.

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Supporting tobacco cessation and the treatment of tobacco dependence: A handbook for pharmacists (2023)

This handbook has been developed as a comprehensive and practical resource for pharmacists to support individuals in their efforts to quit tobacco, emphasising the critical role of pharmacists in providing comprehensive and coordinated care to patients seeking to quit. It covers the latest evidence-based practices, techniques and strategies to help our patients quit and not start again. The information contained in this handbook is practicable and tailored to the needs of pharmacists working in the field. By using the information and strategies outlined in the handbook, pharmacists can contribute to improving public health and reducing the burden of tobacco use on healthcare systems.


This publication is available in the following languages:






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FIP HOLDING STATEMENT ON THE USE OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES: The health and economic impact of e-cigarette use, and the contribution of the pharmacy workforce to its elimination (2023)

In light of the increasing use of e-cigarettes, particularly among young people, and concerns around the safety of these products, the FIP Bureau has issued a Holding Statement on the health and economic impact of e-cigarette use, and the contribution of the pharmacy workforce to its elimination.

The statement has been developed by FIP staff and the co-chairs of FIP’s policy committee on tobacco cessation, in collaboration with Bureau members and in consultation with the World Health Organization (WHO).

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Nutrition and weight management services: a toolkit for pharmacists (2021)

This toolkit provides an international collection of best practices of professional services, evidence and guidance for nutrition-related and weight-management services both for pharmacist organisations and individual practitioners.

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Beating non-communicable diseases in the community: The contribution of pharmacists (2019)

This reference paper provides global evidence to advocate, nationally and internationally, for an expanded role for pharmacists in NCD management by compiling best practices and examples. It also encourages pharmacists around the world to act upon NCDs.

Spanish | French | Turkish

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The role of pharmacists in non-communicable diseases (2019)

This FIP statement of policy renews the commitment of the profession to the optimal prevention, detection and care of patients living with NCDs. It replaces the 2006 FIP Policy Statement on the role of the pharmacist in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

German | Spanish | French

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FIP statement on cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach (140th WHO Executive Board) (2017)

This statement encourages WHO Member States to develop, implement and monitor
programmes for the early diagnosis and screening of cancers, with an emphasis on common
cancers, including cervical, breast and colorectal cancers, and with adequate capacity to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment.

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Establishing tobacco-free communities: A practical guide for pharmacists (2015)

This briefing document presents an overview of the different tobacco cessation activities pharmacists are involved in, and aims to support pharmacists to take an even more prominent role during the World No Tobacco Day, which is devoted to the international fight against tobacco.

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The Role of the Pharmacist in Promoting a Future Free of Tobacco (2003)

This statement supports and advocates for pharmacists to take relevant action to eliminate tobacco use in the communities that they serve.

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Optimising cancer care: community pharmacy strategies to support patients on oral treatment

February 1, 2024

This digital event explores the critical role of community pharmacies in advancing cancer care, particularly for patients undergoing oral treatment. As the cancer care landscape evolves towards personalised approaches, the event addresses the urgent need for effective patient support. Experts will explore innovative strategies with a focus on patient-centred approaches. Throughout the event, different pharmacist interventions from different countries will be showcased, providing a broad perspective on global best practices and fostering cross-cultural insights. Attendees can expect valuable discussions on optimising patient outcomes and well-being, fostering collaboration between healthcare providers, and improving the overall quality of cancer care.

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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of cancer

October 4, 2022

Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, according to the World Health Organization. Prevention and early screening are crucial elements of interprofessional strategies to reduce the burden, morbidity and mortality associated with cancer, as are medication management for optimal outcomes, and patient support. Pharmacists have a key role to play in all these areas. At this digital event, FIP will be publishing a new handbook to support pharmacists and their organisations in providing a range of cancer-related services. In addition, the handbook will be accompanied by the knowledge and skills (K&S) reference guide in cancer which identifies the K&S that pharmacists require for the provision of such services, thus offering guidance to pharmacists, academic institutions and CPD providers. Both publications will be launched at this event, and they are part of the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Non-Communicable Diseases.

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The contribution of pharmacists in non communicable diseases – Cancer

March 12, 2020

This webinar highlights the role that pharmacists can play in the management of cancer in terms of prevention, screening, patient referral and treatment optimisation. This event also aimed to provide tools for pharmacists to develop knowledge and skills that allow the expansion of professional services in this area.

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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP)

The International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) connects Oncology Pharmacy experts from around the world to leading edge oncology knowledge, best practices and essential networks. FIP and ISOPP collaborated closely on the cancer area for the Practice Transformation Programme in the respective events and publications.