
The role of pharmacists in preventing and managing diabetes cannot be overstated. Pharmacists are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in diabetes care in several ways, ranging from diabetes prevention to screenings and referrals to disease state management and treatment optimisation. In the context of diabetes, pharmacists can leverage their expertise and use new technologies to provide patient care as a valuable member of the healthcare team, thereby making a unique contribution to the clinical outcomes of medicines therapy and consequently to patients’ quality of life. FIP is supporting its member organisations to transform pharmacy practice and promote improved service delivery through the ONE FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes. The programme aims to provide strategic support to FIP member organisations and individual members to develop and implement pharmacy services that can have a sustained impact in the screening, prevention, management, and treatment optimisation of diabetes. You can find information about the programme here .


Publications are presented in chronological order, from more recent to older. Please scroll down inside the grey area or using the scroll bar on its side to find more FIP publications.

Diabetes prevention, screening and management: A handbook for pharmacists (2021)

This handbook supports the Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes. It presents an overview of diabetes and describes the various services pharmacists can provide aiming at disease prevention, screening, disease state management and treatment optimisation.

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Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in diabetes (2022)

New diabetes reference guide focuses on helping pharmacists achieve required competencies:
 “Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in diabetes”.
FIP has been championing the role of pharmacists in preventing and treating chronic diseases, including diabetes, since 2006, and this latest guide, which is intended as a companion to the FIP diabetes handbook for pharmacists published in 2021, will help pharmacists to identify and acquire the competencies, such as screening and clinical management, they need to provide services for patients with diabetes.
As well as supporting pharmacists to upskill themselves as their careers develop, the new FIP publication is intended to guide the design and delivery of education and training programmes by continuing professional development providers. The guide acknowledges that there are some barriers to and regulations around providing diabetes-related services in some countries but emphasises that “the incorporation of pharmacists into multidisciplinary diabetes care teams should always be strongly considered by clinicians and health policymakers”.
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Prevenção, rastreio e gestão da diabetes: Um manual para farmacêuticos.

A diabetes é um importante problema de saúde pública que afeta aproximadamente um em cada 10 adultos globalmente, sendo a diabetes tipo 2 responsável por 90-95% dos casos. Embora os farmacêuticos sejam formados principalmente para resolver problemas de saúde com medicamentos adequados e seguros, também possuem as competências e os conhecimentos necessários para prestar serviços de prevenção e rastreio. Os farmacêuticos estão numa posição privilegiada para prestar uma vasta gama de serviços de prevenção, identificação e gestão da diabetes tipo 1 e tipo 2, bem como apoiar os cuidados prestados por outros membros da equipa dos cuidados de saúde.

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糖尿病预防、筛查和管理:药师手册 (2021)


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FIP 专业知识和技能参考指南:糖尿病药师手册的配套资料 (2022)

除了支持药师在其职业发展过程中提升自己的技能外,FIP的新出版物还旨在指导继续职业发展机构设计和提供教育和培训课程。该指南承认,在一些国家,提供糖尿病相关服务存在一些障碍和规定,但强调 “临床医生和卫生政策制定者应始终大力考虑将药剂师纳入多学科的糖尿病护理团队”。

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Prevención, detección y gestión de la diabetes: Un manual para farmacéuticos (2021)

Este manual apoya el Programa de Transformación de la Práctica Profesional en Diabetes. Presenta una visión general de la diabetes y describe los distintos servicios que pueden prestar los farmacéuticos con vistas a la prevención de la enfermedad, el cribado, la gestión del estado de la enfermedad y la optimización del tratamiento.

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Diyabetin önlenmesi, taranması ve yönetimi: Eczacılar için bir kılavuz. (2021)

Bu el kitabı Diyabet Uygulama Dönüşüm Programını desteklemektedir. Diyabete genel bir bakış sunmakta ve eczacıların hastalık önleme, tarama, hastalık durumu yönetimi ve tedavi optimizasyonuna yönelik sağlayabilecekleri çeşitli hizmetleri açıklamaktadır.

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Nutrition and weight management services: a toolkit for pharmacists (2021)

This toolkit provides an international collection of best practices of professional services, evidence and guidance for nutrition-related and weight-management services both for pharmacist organisations and individual practitioners.

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Beating non-communicable diseases in the community: The contribution of pharmacists (2019)

This reference paper provides global evidence to advocate, nationally and internationally, for an expanded role for pharmacists in NCD management by compiling best practices and examples. It also encourages pharmacists around the world to act upon NCDs.

Spanish | French | Turkish

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FIP statement of policy on “The role of pharmacists in non-communicable diseases” (2019)

This FIP statement of policy renews the commitment of the profession to the optimal prevention, detection and care of patients living with NCDs. It replaces the 2006 FIP Policy Statement on the role of the pharmacist in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

German | Spanish | French

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Pharmacists’ contribution to diabetes care (2011)

This briefing document presents different activities for diabetes prevention and care that pharmacists are involved in.

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Transforming pharmacy practice for improved care and management of diabetes

November 12, 2021

This webinar aims to identify the challenges and opportunities for pharmacists in addressing diabetes, highlight the different ways pharmacists can advocate for increased recognition and visibility of roles in providing diabetes-related services, and understand the role that pharmacists can play in achieving global diabetes goals, in commemoration of the 2021 World Diabetes Day. The event will culminate with the launch of the ONE FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes.

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Competencies and workforce development strategies for diabetes-related roles

November 5, 2021

This webinar aims to highlight strategies for developing a diabetes-competent workforce, explore success stories of countries that have developed competency frameworks for diabetes-related roles and identify relevant competencies essential for the delivery of diabetes services by pharmacists.

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Diabetes therapeutics, treatment optimisation and support technology

October 29, 2021

This webinar aims to describe the advancement in diabetes therapeutics for managing diabetes, highlight the role of technology in improving health outcome of individuals living with diabetes and identify the different services employed in the optimization of diabetes treatment.

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Pharmacists’ role in the disease state management of diabetes and prevention of complications

October 22, 2021

This webinar aims to describe the different services provided by pharmacists to manage diabetes, explore the role of pharmacists in preventing the complications of diabetes, and highlight the importance of collaboration with other health professionals in achieving treatment goals

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The role of pharmacists in the prevention of diabetes

October 8, 2021

This webinar aims to highlight the different services provided by pharmacists in the prevention, screening and detection of diabetes. It will also demonstrate how pharmacists are providing such services in a time of pandemic.

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Supporting self-care: Footcare in diabetes management

July 28, 2021

Diabetic foot is a devasting complication of diabetes that can lead to loss of a limb and life. It has a complex pathology characterised by neuropathy, ischaemia and slow healing. Often the resulting loss in feeling leaves patients unable to sense the damage to their feet. 451 Million suffer with diabetes worldwide, 1 in 10 will get a foot ulcer, 80% go to have an amputation, 8 out of 10 amputations can be prevented by intervention.

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Obesity and weight management: Pharmacist-led services and approaches

June 4, 2021

This webinar focuses on the role of community of pharmacists in weight management and obesity prevention, screening, referral and management, pharmacy-led weight management approaches and the intergenerational correlations in hypercholesterolemia and obesity. In addition, it presents selected aspects from the FIP handbook on nutrition and weight management for pharmacists.

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Nutritional approaches to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases: Roles for pharmacists

May 28, 2021

This webinar focuses on the role of nutrition in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases, and the role that pharmacists can play to support healthy nutrition choices for different population groups. Expert speakers address important aspects such as the role of community of pharmacists in diabetes prevention, screening, referral and management, the role of dietary supplements in disease management and one example of a community pharmacy nutrition service. In addition, selected aspects from the FIP handbook on nutrition and weight management for pharmacists are presented.

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The contribution of pharmacists in non-communicable diseases: Diabetes

December 11, 2019

This webinar explores the contribution of pharmacists to improving the quality of life of individuals living with diabetes.

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International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

FIP and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) collaborated in developing the resources on the FIP Practice Transformation Programme on Diabetes, and on several online events.

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 240 national diabetes associations in 168 countries and territories. It represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. The Federation has been leading the global diabetes community since 1950. IDF’s mission is to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide. IDF is engaged in action to tackle diabetes from the local to the global level ― from programmes at community level to worldwide awareness and advocacy initiatives.

The Federation’s activities aim to influence policy, increase public awareness and encourage health improvement, promote the exchange of high-quality information about diabetes, and provide education for people with diabetes and their healthcare providers. IDF is associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations and is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Website: www.ifd.org

CPD Bites

CPD bite: Fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes

In this FIP CPD Bite focusing on fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes, management strategies for patients living with these conditions are explored. Clinical settings that highlight the intricacies of managing fatty liver disease alongside type 2 diabetes are also covered, as well as the latest approaches in patient support and disease management. This CPD Bite aims to offer pharmacists knowledge and skills to provide effective care for patients grappling with the complexities of fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes.


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CPD bite: Stłuszczenie wątroby i cukrzyca typu 2

W tym materiale FIP CPD Bite skupiającym się na stłuszczeniowej chorobie wątroby i cukrzycy typu 2, omówiono strategie zarządzania dla pacjentów żyjących z tymi schorzeniami. Omówiono również warunki kliniczne, które podkreślają zawiłości zarządzania stłuszczeniem wątroby wraz z cukrzycą typu 2, a także najnowsze podejścia do wsparcia pacjentów i zarządzania chorobami. Celem tego szkolenia jest przekazanie farmaceutom wiedzy i umiejętności pozwalających na zapewnienie skutecznej opieki pacjentom zmagającym się ze złożonością stłuszczenia wątroby i cukrzycy typu 2.

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